SAU Giving Day

You are invited to join the Mule Pack and spread the word about SAU Giving Day! 

Harnessing the power of social media helps us be Stronger Together, especially while we are physically apart. You can help by sharing any or all of the graphics found in the Mule Pack folder, paired with the suggested captions, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or anywhere your friends are!

We know that many Muleriders are suffering financially, so let them know that it is their voice and participation that counts, not the gift size. The #MuleriderStrong event in April was a great example of what we hope to see on June 30.

When you make your posts, be sure to tag us, use the hashtag #MuleriderStrong, and include the link to the webpage:!

Social media banners

Profile photo

Use the profile photo below across your social platforms. You can also add a profile “picture frame” on your current Facebook photo!


Muleriders are Stronger Together! Mark your calendars for June 30, and show your Love and Loyalty! #MuleriderStrong

SAU students have been impacted by the pandemic, but the Mulerider family is responding. Join us in supporting students on June 30! #MuleriderStrong

facebook profile frame

Visit to unlock this special Frame and pair it with one of the suggested captions below. This frame will be available on June 23 through June 30.

Featured Funds

Mulerider Strong fund

The Mulerider Strong Fund will provide pass-through operational support to the University which will soften the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student Scholarships

These pass-through scholarship funds that can be directed as traditional scholarships, summer school scholarships, transfer scholarships, graduate scholarships, room and board scholarships, or book/technology scholarships.

Student Success

Supporting the Student Success Fund will provide pass-through funds to on-campus offices that provide much-needed services to our students, such as the Mulerider Market, Health Services, Counseling Services, Career Services, and more.

Academic support

The Academic Success Fund will provide pass-through funds to ensure that our faculty have the resources they need (technology/equipment) to deliver instruction either in-person or on-line. Enabling our educators to adjust to the “new normal” will have a large impact on our students.

Mulerider Athletics

Supporting Mulerider Athletics will provide pass-through funds to ensure that our coaches and student-athletes have the necessary resources to come back strong during our next season. You can renew your Mulerider Club membership with a gift to Athletics on Giving Day.

Social/Linkedin banners

Day-of Giving Day (JUne 30)

Morning Post

Today is SAU Giving Day! Voice your support of SAU students and the University with the hashtag #MuleriderStrong. If you are able, consider supporting one of the Featured Funds, making us Stronger Together.

Evening Post

I love SAU! Join me in supporting the Muleriders! #MuleriderStrong

Now more than ever, SAU students need your support. Help keep SAU #MuleriderStrong!

Let’s break some records! Join me in showing your Love and Loyalty today!